Whether you grew up in the 80s watching Knight Rider with David Hasselhoff and his artificially intelligent and nearly indestructible car, KITT or you’re a millennial who has collected every one of the Cars of the Transformers movies, we all have shared a common childhood dream – to have a totally tech’d out car that can talk to us, drive without us taking the wheel and go into lockdown if threatened by the bad guys.
Lucky for you, you are now living in a time when cars are just years away, rather than decades away, from being this tech-savvy. According to a March 2016 U.S. Government Accountability Office Report, many of today’s vehicles have more average lines of software code than some of the most highly technical aircraft, including an F-22 U.S. Air Force Jet Fighter and a Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Keyless remote entry, smartphone integration, and built-in infotainment centers that get you directions, play music from a variety of sources, tell you about restaurants, send tweets, see behind you, and control the HVAC all on one screen, used to be just for high end luxury vehicles. Now, almost every new car is sold with these options.
With car sales booming and smart cars becoming a reality for drivers everywhere, the McBride team wants to make sure our clients clearly understand why these exciting advances in technology may affect their auto insurance premiums:
- They have hard-to-replace parts: New vehicles are significantly more complex and costly to repair than your Granddaddy’s old station wagon.
- They are susceptible to getting hacked: Modern cars are much more vulnerable to cyber criminals who can remotely break into your vehicle’s control system and disrupt your ride.
When your insurance co-pilot is McBride Insurance, though, you can be confident we have all the new vehicle technologies constantly on our radar. Your agent will make sure to share anything with you that may impact your auto insurance coverage and rates as well as threaten the safety of your car, truck, motorcycle or RV. You can also be sure that we will track down the best auto insurance for your needs at highly competitive rates from our preferred insurance carriers. Call McBride before your decide on auto insurance, 978-663-3301.